viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010

Láser de femtosegundo PicoQuant

The femtosecond Ti:Sapphire-laser and the low cost laser kit were developed by CDP Laser and scanning system in close collaboration with the Ultrafast Phenomena Group at the FIAN Institute in Moscow. It works on the principle of Kerr lens mode-locking, combining the effects of optical self-focusing and spatial filtering. The kit represents an excellent combination of high performance and low cost.
Femtosecond Titanium Sapphire Laser / Laser Kit
TISSA 20 / 50 / 100 
Pump Power1) 3 - 5 W 4 - 7 W 5 - 10 W
Output Power 150 -0 250 mW 150 - 500 mW 150 mW - 1.0 W
Pulse duration < 20 fs2) < 100 fs < 200 fs
Tuning range 810 ± 30 nm 740 - 950 nm3) 710 - 950 nm3)
Repetition rate 83 MHz 83 MHz 93 MHz
Polarisation horizontal
Divergence < 2 mrad
Out beam diameter 2 - 3 mm
Spatial mode TEM00
Typical stability 5 % typical, depends on pump laser stability
Base Unit:
Length 942 mm 822 mm
Width 360 mm
Height 192 mm
1) Ar-ion or diode-pumped solid state laser with TEM00 is required.
2) External group velocity dispersion compensation
should be done to obtain pulse duration < 20 fs
3) Complete tuning range with two sets of mirrors

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