jueves, 29 de julio de 2010


Internet Telephone Service Chain

This figure shows the chain of connection for typical Internet telephone service. This diagram shows a standard telephone that is connected to the Internet via an analog telehone adapter (ATA) and a DSL DSL access line. The Internet service provider (ISP) adapts the data from the DSL line and sends it to the Internet network. The Internet routes the packets to a telephone gateway that converts the packets into standard telephone signals that can be heard by the receiving telephone. In this example, the weakest links are the callers access line (DSL connection) and the gateway that converts Internet packets to telephone calls. The DSL line in this example has relatively low speed for a broadband connection (not all DSL lines are the same) and the conversion gateway has poor echo canceling capability. Even with these weak links, the majority of calls are likely to have excelling quality ("toll quality") service.

Router with DHCP
This figure shows how a router uses DHCP to provide a temporary IP address to a computer when it requires an Internet communication session. In this example, the router has already received a single IP address from the Internet service provider (ISP). When the router receives the request for connection to the Internet, the router assigns an private IP address from is list of avaialble IP addresses (private IP address 2). The computer will then use this IP private address for all of is communications with the Internet until it disconnects the connection to the ISP. The router will identify and translate (change the address) for all the packets that are designated for this specific computer.

How to Insert a Router for Internet Telephone Service

This figure shows how to insert a router in a data line to allow the connectiong of a computer and Internet telephone or analog telephone adapater box. This diagram shows that the data line is disconnected from the data modem. The Internet or WAN port of the router is then connected to the data modem. One of the available data ports of the router is connected to the computer and another data port is connected to the Internet telephone or analog telephone adapter box.

Typical steps:
1. Disconnect the data cable that connects the data modem to your computer. Do not use this cable as it is a special Null Modem cable (it has the wires on the pins flipped).
2. Connect a new patch cable from the data modem to the Internet or WAN connection of the router.
3. Connect a patch cable to an available data port on the router (such as 1) and the computer.
4. Connect a patch cable between the next available data port and the network port (such as 2) on the Internet telephone, or adapter box (may be labeled 10BaseT or 100BaseT).
If you are using an Internet telephone, your connections are done! 5. Connect the telephone line to the Line1 connection of the analog telephone adapter.

C.I 18878408

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